Human Resources Consulting


  • ​Employee handbooks
  • Policy and procedures
  • Service Contract Act (SCA) and Davis Bacon Act (DBA)
  • EEOC Position Statements
  • Workers Compensation and Unemployment hearings representation
  • Interim leadership coverage

Deposition & Trial Preparation


In addition to serving as an expert witness, fepeGROUP is also available to consult with you and your clients on effective preparation for depositions and trials. As professionals who have been deposed and who have testified numerous times ourselves, we can help you and your client prepare for and engage in mock depositions and trial testimony. Learning how to control the pace of questioning and manage non-verbal cues, can give you the upper hand in winning your case.

As seasoned experts, we are adept at identifying and refuting the many ways in which opposing counsel may attempt to ruin a deposition or trial testimony. We understand their motives and tricks for taking your witness' testimony off-course and we can prepare your witnesses to not fall prey to those attempts.

Our Services

We Partner with You and Your Client for a Winning Strategy

Expert Contract Management


​For business owners, we also offer certified Contract Management services for both commercial industries and federal government contractors. Our expertise and knowledge span FAR/DFARS, UCC, as well as standard commercial contract negotiations and management. 

Thinking Outside the Box


​As your client's attorney, you have the experience of applying the law in very unique cases. Although many of our consultants are trained lawyers, we aren't practicing attorneys. Thus, we can focus on the unique ways in which you can trip up the defense (or plaintiff) by thinking outside the box. That's where we come in.

As business professionals, we have the expertise in root cause analysis and identifying real concerns by not adhering to the normal ways of thinking and applying the facts. Let us show you and your client how you can easily refute opposing counsel's rants and throw them off-guard with some unique strategies.

Preventive Advisory Services


​Our consultants here at fepeGROUP all have many years of real, hands-on experience in employment practice with active certifications as Human Resources professionals.

We assist companies and legal counsel in identifying and resolving any potential bad employment practices before they become litigious. From auditing and updating policies and procedures to total re-start of operations, our team of experts has the required expertise.